UFOs & Extraterrestrials
UFOs and Extraterrestrial Resource Page.
UFOs and Extraterrestrial Resource Page.
This page includes videos and other resources pertaining to the mystery drone controversy that started mid November, 2024, in New Jersey.
A collection of COVID-19 documentaries from the world that document the horrific injuries, deaths, and ruined lives caused by COVID-19 mandates and the misguided, often nefariously motivated people who promoted them.
News stories, videos, and information concerning menstrual and breast-feeding disruptions, infertility, shedding, DNA contamination…
This page contains information pertaining to psychosis (and related issues) being caused by COVID-19 vaccines and/or exposure to the COVID-19 virus in the wild. COVID-vaccine-caused psychosis is another serious COVID-19 issue that has been aggressively censored by mainstream media sources and suppressed by medical editors and publishers.