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COVID-19 Documentaries


Unsafe & Ineffective: The Biggest Lie Ever Sold (COVID-19 Documentary)

Unsafe & Ineffective (Movie Website)


We Will Not Be Silenced (The Movie YouTube Doesn’t Want You To See)


Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story (COVID-19 Documentary Featuring Dr. Peter McCullough)


The Incredible Story Of How Mike Pence & Deborah Birx Sabotaged President Trump’s Covid Response


Deadly Quiet: The Wall Of Silence Surrounding Excess Deaths (A COVID-19 Documentary)


Documentary: Epidemic Of Fraud (Truth Is A Bitter Pill)

Epidemic Of Fraud (Movie Website)


MUST WATCH & SHARE! Shot Dead Movie (Parents Describe How COVID-19 Vaccines Killed Their Children)


Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening (Full, Unedited Movie)

Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening (Movie Website)
All Three Plandemic Movies


The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told (A COVID-19 Documentary)

The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told (Movie Website)


SOS: The Hidden Healthcare Crisis

Canadian Society For Science And Ethics In Medicine


Died Suddenly (Full Documentary, Not Suitable For Children)

Movie WebsiteStew Peters Website


The Real Anthony Fauci – Part 1 (1 Hour, 50 Minutes)

The Real Anthony Fauci (Movie Website)


Safe And Effective: A Second Opinion (2022 Oracle Films COVID-19 Documentary)

Safe And Effective – A Second Opinion (Movie Website)


Anecdotals (A Film About The Challenges Of Vaccinated People Who Suffered Serious Side Effects)

Anecdotals (Movie Website)


Uninformed Consent (Full Documentary, Part 1 & 2)

Uninformed Consent (Movie Website)


Planet Lockdown (The 2021 COVID-19 Documentary That Was Banned All Over The Planet)

Planet Lockdown (Movie Website)


New Zealand Documentary: Memorial Day (From #SilentNoMoreNZ)


Teaser For Plandemic 3

Plandemic Series • Plandemic 1 & 2


VACCINE INDUCED – The Story Of Shaun Mulldoon

VACCINE INDUCED – The Story Of Shaun Mulldoon (Movie Website)


The Big Reset Movie (The Uncensored Documentary About The Truth Of The Pandemic)

The Big Reset (Movie Website)


MUST WATCH: The Time Is Now (Outstanding COVID-19 Documentary)

The Time Is Now (Movie Website)


Brilliantly Difficult (Documentary About COVID-19 Resistance Cartoonist Bob Moran)


THE PUSHBACK | Oracle Films | The Day the World Stood Together #DareToThink


The Greatest Reset: Beast Rising (Movie Website)


COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries From Around The World (Graphic Content)


UK CV Family: A Letter To My MP (COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Documentary)

UK CV Family: A Letter To My MP (Movie Website)


Power Of The People


Battleground Melbourne (The Full, Unedited Documentary)


Australians Injured & Killed By The Covid Vaccine


“I AM NOT MISINFORMATION” (Canadian Film About Adverse Reactions To The Covid Jab)


Israeli People Describe How The Pfizer Vaccine Destroyed Their Lives


“Second Class Scholar” – Phoebe Liou’s Story


1,000 Athletes – Collapsing, Dying, Heart Problems, Blood Clots – March 2021 To June 2022


Who Is Bill Gates? (The The Corbett Report’s Full, Unedited 2020 Documentary)


Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda (2022 Wakefield-Kennedy-CHD Documentary)


1976 Swine Flu Fraud – CBS 60 Minutes


Aldous Huxley Interviewed By Mike Wallace (Includes Commentary By Dr. Robert Malone)


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