Scientists Reverse Aging In Mice & Seek To Do The Same For Humans

Scientists Reverse Aging In Mice & Seek To Do The Same For Humans

In molecular biologist David Sinclair’s lab at Harvard Medical School, old mice are growing young again. Using proteins that can turn an adult cell into a stem cell, Sinclair and his team have reset aging cells in mice to earlier versions of themselves. In his team’s first breakthrough, published in late 2020, old mice with poor eyesight and damaged retinas could suddenly see again, with vision that at times rivaled their offspring’s. “It’s a permanent reset, as far as we can tell, and we think it may be a universal process that could be applied across the body to reset our age,” said Sinclair, who has spent the last 20 years studying ways to reverse the ravages of time…

Plandemic With Dr. Judy Mikovitz & Dr. David Martin

Plandemic With Dr. Judy Mikovitz & Dr. David Martin

Plandemic – Part 1 and Plandemic: Indoctornation – Part 2 is an exposé of the truth behind the origins of COVID-19; an alarming examination of individuals, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates, and organizations like the CDC, NIH, WHO, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, among others, driving the global vaccination agenda; and a look at the tech giant and mainstream media forces doing their utmost to silence and suppress the veracity of these findings…